Big Monday class tonight in Environmental Economic Geography. I managed to keep my mouth shut. Its probably not good that I don't speak up sometimes, but I just feel like somethings are beyond discussion. I treat the big box store, like the devil. "speak of the the devil and the devil shall appear." Meaning that when you speak his name "the devil" or "satan" you are inviting evil or demonic spirits because satan gets a kick out of hearing his name. When we speak his name we glorify him and give him more power in our lives by making him exist. He wants to be involved in everything, so don't speak about him or Walmwart.

What follows is the work of ms. toker, who shared the fortune cookie with two fortunes, which weren't even fortunes really. She's got a thing for walmwart too.
To begin with, the majority of Wa***art merchandise comes from poverty stricken areas in developing nations where the working conditions are very poor and workers are extremely underpaid. Many workers receive only the equivalent of three dollars a day and work seven days per week. They are required to live in housing provided by Wa***art and have to pay rent to live in these accommodations located near factories. This denies them the freedom of how they want to spend their money and live their lives.
Once the merchandise is shipped to stores in the United States for purchase, another wave of mistreated employees become a part of the Wa***art crisis. In these stores, workers are paid poorly, given no benefits, prohibited from unionizing, and denied full time hours. Women in the workplace are discriminated against and rarely, if ever, promoted to higher positions of management or upper level jobs. Many of the employees rely on the community to fulfill their needs. Many are on the WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) program or receive food stamps from the government so that they can feed their families. This means that the community is subsidizing Wa***art and taking on what should be the responsibility of the employer, not the community.
The community is additionally harmed because Wa***art puts all of the small shops in local communities out of business. These smaller ma and pa shops often treat their employees better, provide better quality products and services, and have developed personal relationships with community members and customers. Additionally, once these shops go out of business, their previous employees are forced to find new work, and may have to sink to the lower level positions provided by Wa***art where they will not be treated well.
Wa***art is also very environmentally unfriendly. They often pollute local rivers and streams from parking lot run off and other careless behaviors. The entire community is effected by the existence of a Wa***art because of this environmental damage combined with the economic hardships that Wa***art is responsible for.
In terms of the Greatest Happiness Principle, Wa***art stores should be discontinued, as they are causing environmental distress to the whole community, putting hundreds of shops out of business, decreasing working conditions for employees, and ruining the community feel of small communities where there is a friendly and personal relationship between employers and both employees and customers. They treat their manufacturing factory workers poorly and do nothing to help them escape from poverty.
F**k is right.

Miss Toker/Wamoo:
ReplyDeleteI undestand how you define the promblem of F-Walmart. My question is WHAT IS YOUR SOLUTION?
National legislation to ban f-Walmart IN THE USA? A world goverment with a higher minimum wage? Problems ,inequities abound in a broken world..what do you propose we do about it?