We have a photo of Kyle with the new home for his saplings that Dr. Snow saved and transplanted at her place. you had to be there, it was a moment.
Waste Stream emergency, before going to a SRU department party. Went out of my way to
gather a bunch of danishes, strawberries, and grapes. I turned down a few doughnuts and pineapple because they were a little sloppy. This was on SRU in ATS building. there must have been a morning breakfast banquet for some high class meeting. The word on the street is that there are a lot of these types of events on campus that toss out the catered food. I can't be everywhere at once, nor can i eat it all myself. My suggestion to food waste is to eat it, rather than throw it away.
GGE Party
End of the year party for the Geology Dept. at Slippery Rock. A social event. A large group of Friend. A large group of friends i havn't met yet. A Pot-luck. A perfect opportunity for me to get rid of some of my accumulated waste stream food (mainly the Banana Moon Pies). The danishes were a great fit to the all you can eat pot-luck dinner table. I also brought random cookies left from florida waste stream. I was having fun offering people banana moon pies. at first i was walking around and having conversations with people about moon pie power and waste stream issues. After that was exhausted i took a break. One of my friends had the great idea of passing a box of moonpies around the fire. So of the 30 or so people around the fire 3 people took a pie, bringing the total amount of moon pies served to people up to 10 for the night. An overall success. (it was discovered that banana moon pies may also double as a fire log ... who knew). Oh boy, we also brought out the hot dogs from SRU trash. cooked about 6 of them. it was a good time. we used a very very long stick, and got to give a few kids the chance to cook and eat some waste stream food.
Waste Stream emergency, before going to a SRU department party. Went out of my way to

GGE Party
End of the year party for the Geology Dept. at Slippery Rock. A social event. A large group of Friend. A large group of friends i havn't met yet. A Pot-luck. A perfect opportunity for me to get rid of some of my accumulated waste stream food (mainly the Banana Moon Pies). The danishes were a great fit to the all you can eat pot-luck dinner table. I also brought random cookies left from florida waste stream. I was having fun offering people banana moon pies. at first i was walking around and having conversations with people about moon pie power and waste stream issues. After that was exhausted i took a break. One of my friends had the great idea of passing a box of moonpies around the fire. So of the 30 or so people around the fire 3 people took a pie, bringing the total amount of moon pies served to people up to 10 for the night. An overall success. (it was discovered that banana moon pies may also double as a fire log ... who knew). Oh boy, we also brought out the hot dogs from SRU trash. cooked about 6 of them. it was a good time. we used a very very long stick, and got to give a few kids the chance to cook and eat some waste stream food.
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