Featured: a few graduates of SRU, MS3
Eating non waste-stream granola today along with my regular waste and my friends waste-

bread. After Graduation was a reception. The hummus was the best. during this semester it was really rare to find hummus. there was also crackers, strawberry, pita bread, upside-down pineapple cake, and cochip cookie cake. I was in a suit and tie, digging in the trash. At the same time, one of the workers was emptying the trash bins, so he and i confronted each other twice while i was digging for food. He has a questionable look on his face, and i say it is a tough life... then, with dignified style, I put my blog business card in in breast pocket.
In response to posting this situation my Aunt say's it really doesn't look to bad, and a cousin say's that every time she goes to throw food away she thinks about me.
my response is of course it doesn't look bad, its just the typical story of putting more on your plate than what someone is really going to eat. then throwing away the excess as waste, when it should be treated as valuable food. The solution to food waste is simple, eat it. the prevention to food waste is also simple, take less.
Graduation Party night at classmate, Jake's. There, Bert brought a pot of her chili. I got a pic of

the great moment of me finally being able to eat some of Bert's local home-cookin.
On the way home, picked up a bottle of milk that was laying on the

sidewalk. I passed it earlier on the way to the party. Usually if i have my hands free, i pick up trash and recyclables when walking. on the way home, with a free hand, I picked it up thinking it was simply litter, but turned out to be an unopened bottle. cold outside, all day, so i had little worries about it being spoiled. ever since eating my friends granola, Ive been craving soy milk to go with it, but here, By The Grace of the WasteStream ... is Milk!

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