Dr. Julie Snow "I saved your Trees" the campus facilities was going to pull them and throw them away. She will plant them on her property. Should we start calling campus directors and ask what happened to our trees? You know, those things that seqester carbon and produce oxygen?

Kyle, “ I hope you kiefed those things" addressing Dr. Snow, "you know those things that sequester carbon”
Snow “I saved the trees”
For some reason SRU Facilities has been calling Dr. Snow about the trees – she called around looking for who planted the trees. They didn’t notice them for a week until they mowed on 4/27/2010
Faculties might say ‘the problem was that the inhibited mowing and the were too close to the sidewalk’ They will pull them 4/28/10 and throw them away, called snow, she was willing to take the trees and plant them at her place rather than throwing them away.
Kyle, "But they mowed around them just fine. And take a look at Penn State main campus with over 100 year old oak and elm trees lining every sidewalk. and it doesnt' seem like there facilites has a problem with maintaining the 'green space' there. -during chat it was proposed that if the trees were better placed they would have been more likely to be accepted. The campus has a plan and a vision for the quad. And the trees did not fit into the plan.
-meanwhile SRU just got listed on Princeton Review's guide to 286 green colleges, presented in partnership with the US green building council.
It is interesting to here that reforestation on campus is a possibility, but not being carried out. Why would someone think that more trees are needed on campus. This incident may trigger thoughts among the decision makers on campus toward the want and need of a reforestation projected to be included for the campus.
My thought have concluded from talking with others about the trees. Usually the reaction has been that the would grow well over time because they were too close together, or that they were to close to the sidewalk. What I gather is that every one I talk to is projecting in the future that the trees will grow, and then be a problem. To me this means that those people also see that the campus needs trees. That some initiative needs to be taken towards this effort. no one denies that the goodness of it all.
Kyle says, "no more trees after a week...i wonder how much CO2 they sequestered from the coal plant up wind of them haha"
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